


Fragrance making workshops

After a recent fragrance making workshop taught by Ainslie Walker, the Director and Curator of The Cornerstore Gallery in Orange gave this fabulous overview of the afternoon

Fragrance making workshops

After a recent fragrance making workshop taught by Ainslie Walker, the Director and Curator of The Cornerstore Gallery in Orange gave this fabulous overview of the afternoon

Naomi Goodsir Australian visit exclusive interview

Elusive and highly talented Naomi Goodsir visited Australia this February and I was fortunate to spend time with her in Sydney, which was not only fascinating and inspiring but a lot of fun.

The Scent Of A Sale: Bresic Whitney interview featuring Ainslie Walker

TheBlogBelinda Aucott from BresicWhitney Lifestyle and Property Group interviewed me recently to talk about all things scent, especially in relation to buying and selling real estate. Belinda is absolutely lovely, a talented writer and illustrator and wrote the...